About this cause

Thank you for your ongoing support to The Cares Organization.

Your monthly donation to CARES supports the US and international programs that need it most. Your generous contribution offers ongoing assistance to families in need throughout the year; enables us to plan ahead and respond to urgent needs proactively; and initiates enduring transformations that will impact lives in a sustainable way for generations to come.

This elite and exclusive group of CARES Master Fund donors and founders are the most solid foundation any organization could wish for!

A like-minded community of individuals, family offices, corporations, and top global business leaders helping to change the world through a trusted and transformational platform for charitable giving.

We are the SUPERHERO OF CHARITIES! Hundreds of charities, foundations, and impact-driven social entrepreneurs look at The Cares Organization as a trusted resource for expert guidance, creative giving solutions, advise, and shared values to help them maximize their impact for the causes they love and to improve the quality of life for people, communities and planet. How can we serve them? How can we enhance our support for them? Only through the generous contributions of our donors and founders can we achieve this.

On behalf of the Board, we would like to express our continued gratitude for your support. We value your commitment to improving the quality of life for communities across the world!

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