Focus | Sustainability

A platform for a one million trees community

About this cause

Our mission is to conserve, restore, and expand this green initiative by 2030, benefiting people, biodiversity, and our planet.

We catalyze transformation by engaging the private sector, fostering collaborative partnerships in crucial regions, and championing innovation and eco-preneurship at the grassroots level.

Did you know? A single tree produces enough oxygen for 4 people throughout a year. Your support matters. A donation of $50 plants 20 trees, generating enough oxygen for up to 80 people for an entire year. A $250 donation a year plants 100 trees, supporting oxygen for the year for a small community. Join us in reforesting vital areas and make a meaningful impact. Consider gifting a tree for birthdays or sympathy occasions, creating a lasting legacy that contributes to the beauty and sustainability of our environment for generations to come.

The problem: Forests are essential for the planet’s health, providing carbon sequestration, temperature regulation, and crucial support for ecosystems. However, widespread degradation and loss pose an unprecedented threat. Nearly half of pre-agricultural trees are already gone, and despite efforts, this loss continues to increase annually.

Partner Charities: We work with nonprofits, and The Arbor Day Foundation, to facilitate donations towards reforestation in critical green areas in: United States, Africa’s Sahel and Great Green Wall in the Sahara Desert, India, China, Canada, Mexico, and The Amazon Basin in Brazil and Bolivia.

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