Focus | Health and medicine

Open Your Heart Challenge: A Commitment to Mental Health and Compassionate Leadership

About this cause

Ready to accept the challenge?

We are excited to shake things up and invite you to participate in the “Open Your Heart Challenge,” a transformative social media initiative designed to showcase the power of vulnerability in leadership. This challenge calls upon distinguished figures from academia, business, and politics to lead by example, sharing a candid video that reveals your personal reflections on the global challenges we face today and what you stand for as a compassionate leader.

THE PROGRAM: Emotional Intelligence & Leadership Development

Donations, through The Cares Organization, will go to fund the Love Out Loud Foundation’s programs and scholarships, designed to deliver emotional health training, education and distribution of In Truth technology tools to facilitate communities, first responders, and businesses in at-risk communities in need of greater emotional support.

Product & Service Overview

Love Out Loud, based in San Francisco-CA, is a foundation that’s fundamentally changing the way we solve the mental health crisis. The organization offers a cutting-edge emotional intelligence (EI) training program that is enhanced by the integration of the world’s first emotion monitor technology, InTruth. This program is designed to provide comprehensive insights into participants’ emotional patterns and decision-making processes, thereby enabling more mindful and effective personal and professional interactions. By coupling EI training with innovative biotechnology, we provide a unique approach to understanding and improving emotional health.


Enhance Emotional Awareness: To equip participants with the skills to recognize and understand their emotions and those of others in real-time, using InTruth technology.

Improve Decision Making: Through the application of EI principles and data-driven insights from emotional monitoring, participants can make more informed and emotionally intelligent decisions.

Promote Mental Health: To address and mitigate emotional and psychological challenges by providing strategies for emotional management that are informed by precise emotional data.

Partnership with The Cares Organization 

In collaboration with an IRS recognized public nonprofit, The Cares Organization, our program extends these sophisticated tools and training to diverse groups, focusing on under-resourced and at-risk communities, with a strong focus on first responders. This partnership aims to democratize access to advanced emotional health resources, ensuring that effective emotional intelligence training and technological support are accessible to all, regardless of socio-economic background.


Data-Driven Impact Analysis: With the integration of InTruth technology, we are able to collect comprehensive data on the emotional progress and wellbeing of participants, providing measurable and actionable insights.

Scalable Emotional Health Solutions: The training and technology together foster scalable solutions that can be adapted for various groups and needs, potentially influencing broader societal emotional health.

Empowerment through Understanding: Participants complete the program with enhanced emotional skills and a deeper understanding of their emotional health, leading to improved interpersonal relationships and workplace dynamics.

By combining emotional intelligence training with cutting-edge emotional monitoring technology, we not only enhance individual emotional awareness and decision-making but also contribute to a healthier, more emotionally intelligent society.

Special Thank You to Nicole Gibson and her team, from Love Out Loud and inTruth Technologies. An Award-Winning Social Entrepreneur, Technologist, Motivational Speaker, Author, Philosopher, and Influencer.

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