Focus | Education

Tackling illiteracy, one page at a time

About this cause

Unlocking Bright Futures. Empowering Children’s Minds in Education.

Join Us in Shaping Tomorrow’s Young Leaders.

The problem: Education is the ultimate social and economic equalizer. It’s like a power-up that transforms societies, shreds inequalities, and brings progress to the global stage. In the heart of our mission lies a profound belief – that education is the key to unlocking a better future. At The Cares Organization, we’re dedicated to providing children in emerging and frontier markets, and children in underserved communities in the developed world, with the tools they need to thrive. Through focused initiatives, we’re addressing critical issues such as early childhood development and literacy – paving the way for lifelong success.

Partner charities: We work with nonprofits, Generation to facilitate donations towards job training and economic mobility; and The Africa Library Project to start libraries and ship books to rural Africa.

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