About this cause

Did you know? 800 million people suffer from hunger every day and are chronically undernourished. Women and girls account for 60% of people living in hunger worldwide. At this moment, there are millions of children and families living in the most challenging circumstances, struggling with poverty and hunger in the world’s most impoverished areas. They are counting on us for life-saving miracles. Your generosity has the power of hope, sustenance, and a chance for a brighter future to those who need it most. 

Act now and be a part of something incredible!

Warm meals that fill more than just bellies – they fill hearts. It’s compassion served on a plate.

Your support fuels our efforts, helping us nourish lives, uplift spirits, and create a world where no one goes without a meal.

The problem: Hunger, however, isn’t just about food—it’s tied to a web of challenges like economic equality, health, education, social justice, women’s and girls’ rights, and climate change. To end hunger, it’s key for all of us to get to know our world a bit better and choose to be a part of the solution short and long term.

Partner charities: We work with nonprofits, The Hunger Project, Action Against Hunger, and World Central Kitchen, Gardens for Health International, and many others with global reach, to facilitate donations towards hunger and poverty in the US and globally.

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